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Tax experience

General litigation, Tax experience & due diligence.

VERTEX Law Chambers has advised several clients on diverse areas of practice.

The team has wide knowledge and experience of the laws and regulations regulating Tanzania legal system and in particular matters pertaining to banking industry and transactions related thereto.

The firm has handled and still handles litigation from tribunals, district, High Court to Court of Appeal levels and Court of Appeal.

The nature of litigation handled various from case to case some litigations have been complex involving more than one cause of action and parties and involving various applications during main case.

On Tax aspects, the firm has handled and still handles tax advisory and litigation from filing objections, reviews, filing and handling of Appeals at the Tax Appeals Board and Tax Appeals Tribunal up to Court of Appeal.


Tax advisory
Tax Appeals


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Decision Are A Professional Attorney & Lawyers Services Provider Institutions. Suitable For Law Firm, Injury Law, Traffic Ticket Attorney, Legacy And More.

Contact Info

+(002) 0121-2843-661
+(002) 0106-8710-594
Menouf City , El-Menoufia, Egypt.
Shibin El-Kom , El-Menoufia, Egypt.

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